Ashtabula, Ohio Weather
Webcam is off-line for the night.
West16th Backyard Weather Cam
Weather Station anemometer replaced 3/7/24 Sensor power fail 4/11 to 4/ repaired |
Temperature | 11.9°F (-2.6) F |
Todays High | 18.6 F |
Todays Low | 10.7 F |
Humidity | 65 % |
Barometer | 30.49 inHg (-0.00) |
Dew Point | 2.4°F (-0.7) F |
Heat Index | 11.9 F |
1 Hour Rain Rate | 0.00 in/h (0.00) in. |
Today's Rain | 0.00 in. |
This Months Rain | 1.18 in. |
Year to Date Rain | 2.49 in. |
Today's Snow | 0.0 in. |
Monthly Snow | 6.0 in. |
Snow Current Yr | 31.2 in. |
Snow last year | 109.7 in. |
Snow Seasonal | 97.7 in. |
Wind Direction | SW by W |
Wind Speed | 0 MPH (-3) MPH |
Wind Chill | 11.9°F (2.4) |
10 Min.Wind Gust | 0 MPH (-7) |
24 Hr. Wind Gust | 16 MPH |
Sunrise | 7:14 AM |
Sunset | 6:00 PM |
Hours of Daylight | 10:46 |
The average lifespan of a tornado is less than 15 minutes. |